May the Kingdom of Heaven come unto you.
hearts and prayers go out to all who are suffering. Some are
heartbroken because their spouses are being destroyed by alcohol abuse
or drugs. Others are alone because their spouse will not live with
them unless they obey the laws of the State. This is the bearing of
the cross, to forsake wife and children, and even our own life, to be
His disciple. We pray that as you cleanse yourself from all filthiness
of the flesh and spirit, your spouse will see your holiness and be
A woman who recently visited commented, "Your message does not appeal to me." She considers it too heavy a burden to separate from the kingdoms of this world. "Why don't you just promote loving Jesus?" she asked.
She thinks a loving God would not place any demands upon her. She wants to "love Jesus," without obeying Him. She is like a woman who says she loves her husband, but won't submit.
There are many who call themselves Christians who say they "love Jesus," but they do not take the responsibility of giving their allegiance to Him as their Lord. Their attitude is, "Smile, God loves you."
Yes, God loves us, but He wants us to repent and obey His commands, or we will be lost for eternity.
Our recent visitor does not want to give her allegiance to anyone. Yet, because the State threatens her with force and violence, she submits to the State and it becomes her god.
Too many people loyally serve the State and turn their relationship with God into a lofty romance, instead of a relationship that requires loyalty, allegiance and obedience. Salvation is more than saying, "I love Jesus." Salvation is a full relationship between us and God. "He is the Vine. We are the branches." (John 15:5) And that relationship is not just some romantic notion. It is a full commitment. We must love and obey God, and in loving God, love our neighbor. Then we will know God's love and protection. When we cry out to Him in our trials, He will hear us because we are His, not the world's.
There are millions who say they "love Jesus," but by their fruit, they owe true loyalty and allegiance to the State. Instead of holding fast to God's government, as superior to those of the States and nations, they submit to the heavy burdens of men's statutes. By uniting with the world and its traditions, they separate from the Source of their strength. Becoming friends of the world, they become the enemies of God. (James 4:4)
When our visitor looks at separating from the State, she sees only the giving up of comforts, possessions and friends, and the beginning of persecutions. Yet if she conforms to the State, what will be her end? Those who remain in Babylon share in her sins and shall receive of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4) Those who come out from among them and are separate are the ones our Father receives as His sons and daughters. (2 Corinthians 6:17-18) When she says she "loves Jesus," she has a form of Godliness, but she denies the power thereof. (2 Timothy 3:5) If she does not separate from the world, she will never have the Power to overcome the world.
Our visitor says it is no big deal if she has State licenses and insurance. She does not see the driver license as an act of allegiance to the State. It is just a nuisance. But that nuisance could cost her salvation.
When Jesus calls us, He calls us to die. Giving our allegiance to Jesus Christ involves dying to the things of this world and setting our heart on the heavenly things. But let us not focus on what we give up, but on what we gain.
Following Jesus and forsaking the world means being set at liberty. We are delivered from those who once held us captive against our will. We begin to see the Light, after having sat in darkness. In Jesus, our guilt and shame are removed and our broken hearts healed.
Finally, if we draw near to Jesus Christ, he draws near to us. Through Him, is the peace the world cannot give, eternal life and a river of living water. We need never be thirsty again.
Don't be a part-time Jesus lover. Give Him your all.
Paul Revere, Pastor